The risk around Covid-19 is constantly evolving and through it all our primary focus will be the health and well being of our clients, staff and community. We understand that clients and partners will require a certain level of our business to remain active and we will continue to operate while we adhere to the regulations put forward by health organizations.
For all the questions over the past few weeks about the direction our local market will take - should you list now or wait, should you buy now or wait – the only answer we have today, is that we do not know. Anything other than that would be speculation.
What we do believe is that this is a serious event that will have significant impact on the world economy and change the way many people do business. The most repeated comment we are making to clients in the past weeks is unless you are forced to, do not make any big decisions at this time.
What we promise over the coming months is to be here to answer any questions you may have around planning for your real estate needs - dealing with rent or mortgage relief, getting your property ready for sale, is this the time to be investing in real estate, should my business buy a building? Whatever question you might have we can answer an email, a phone call, a video chat to provide the information you are in search of.
The current pandemic is a temporary event, not that we can predict the length of time we will be dealing with it, but it will end. Our promise to you is when this does end, we will continue to be there and help you with your real estate needs. Please stay safe & healthy.
“When I was a boy, I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Mr. Rogers
Josh joshburt@avalonrealty.ca 902.456.3505